Sometimes Mama Needs a Mental Health Day

Have you seen the videos floating around Facebook every Mother’s Day usually entitled “What Moms Really Want on Mother’s Day?” I’ve watched them all, usually shouting “preach it Mama!” I think they’re hilarious and so true.

So what do we really want?

I know all I really want is a day to myself. Where no one needs anything from me. No one follows me into the bathroom. I can eat my food in piece and share with no one. I don’t have to break up any fights or even look at a single piece of laundry. I want to sleep in. And I want to watch TV. Like good TV, with not a single cartoon in sight. Oh and I want a drink. Or three.

I know its a lot to ask. I really do. And honestly I don’t want it every day. But Mamas- its ok to ask for a break every once in a while. Think of it as a Mental Health Day. If you don’t ask, it’ll never happen.

I did ask. And my husband made it happen. And it was glorious…

He got up early so no one would come bursting in at 7am to announce they pooped in the potty, or needed eggs, or their brother said the F word. He did the dishes, and went to Starbucks to get my favorite iced tea. It was sitting on my nightstand when I woke up AT 9:15AM.  Yeah, you read that right. I got to open my sweet Mother’s Day cards my lovelies had made. Then I dressed myself up, let Daddy handle the 8 year old whining, and whisked out the door on my solitary adventure!

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My Mom and I had a wonderful brunch together, and went to the movies. But it ended at 3:30, and of course I couldn’t go home before bedtime. So I went to another movie, by myself. I ate popcorn, and didn’t have to share. I picked the movie I wanted. Then for dinner, I had dessert- Strawberry Nutella Crepe. You guessed it, all to myself…

I got the all clear text, and headed home after everyone was tucked in. Then we watched Sisters (yeah, I like movies…) and went to bed.


So Mamas, when you’ve gotten to that place that we all get, where you feel like you’ve reached your breaking point. Give yourself the freedom to take a Mental Health Day. If you don’t have a partner, try family, friends, find a babysitter. Keep searching until you find some help. We all need to tap out every once in a while. Don’t let your Mama Guilt tell you otherwise. You’re Mama, but you’re also still YOU. And you deserve to rest and be taken care of too. It gives you the energy and space you need to jump back in to the fray and be that awesome Mama I know you are.

Love you Mamas. Happy Mother’s Day!

These guys made me Mama

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